Friday, 16 September 2011

Dengue Fever Symptoms Prevention Treatment And Home Remedies

Dengu e fever is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which occur in the tropics and can be life thre ate ning.According to World Health Organisation, 2.5 billion people i.e two fifth of the

World’s population, are at risk of Dengue. Dengue fever is caused by a family of virus. This virus is generally carried by Aedes mosquito. This virus strikes the immunity of the person. Dengue can relapse several times but gradually the body creates an immunity to the disease.


The incubation period of Dengue is between 3 – 15 days. The symptoms are

1.Body temperature of 104 F.

2.Severe Headache

3.Muscle pain


5.Low Blood Pressure

6.Low Heart Rate

7.Red and painful eyes

8.Pink rash on face

9.Swollen throat glands

10.Profuse sweating


Methods of prevention of Dengue fever mentioned in various sources includes those listed below.

1.Avoid mosquito bites

2.Mosquito repellant

3.Protective clothing

4.Window screens

5.Remove water filled mosquito breeding areas

6.Dengue vaccine not yet available but being researched.


The treatment completely depends on the severity of the symptom and the time lag before the treatment. Any kind of medication should be taken under doctors advice. Generally, Actaminophen, is given to relief the patient of headache and muscle pain.

Home Remedies

1.To keep the body hydrated, the patient needs intake of liquid products. The patient should drink a glass of water with one tsp of sugar and half tsp of salt, every hour.

2.Orange juice improves immunity and enhances the energy level.

3. Crush Papaya leaves and extract the juice. The patient should consume two spoons of this juice every day.

4.Tea made of basil, ginger and cardamom, is very helpful in controlling the fever and treating the throat infection.

5.Crush neem leaves to extract the juice and apply it on the rashes. It quicken the healing of the rashes.

6.Herbal syrup of Kakamachi herb improves immunity of the body to the dengue virus. Dengue is not life threatening till the time the medication and care is taken soon after the symptoms appear.

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